Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You Don't Say 'No' to Naomi Campbell or Haiti

This has been on my chest for awhile, and I have to let it out. I love Rachel Zoe's hair. It's killer.

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about last night's episode:

We saw Rachel and Brad head to New York City for the Fashion Relief for Haiti show. Naomi Campbell calls up Rach to get her to style the looks for the show. Words of wisdom for the night-saying no to Naomi Campbell and Haiti is not an option. So they battled a snowstorm and hit up the big apple. Rachel rocked out the fur. Did anyone else notice the random guy on the street that almost had her same exact hat on? He had no idea that he was fashionable.

Brad got beat up this week by Zoe. She was not happy, and when Rach isn't happy, no one's happy. There weren't enough looks for the show, and apparently Brad was completely to blame. I don't really get why Rachel didn't call some designers herself. I feel like she has the bigger name and would have more of a chance. But I don't know much, so I'm probably dead wrong. Good to know that designers will risk death by blizzard to send out samples.

It looks like Rachel dropped 'bananas' and replaced it with 'major'. There could be a drinking game for that. Every time Rachel, Brad, or Rodger says 'major', take a shot. I just made your Tuesday nights even more major.

As soon as I heard about Alexander McQueen's death, I thought of Rachel Zoe. She used his designs often and she always crowned him as a fashion genius. So this episode showed her reaction and I thought the way that she gave him a tribute in the fashion show was the perfect ending.

It really struck me how fashion really is an art. The process behind styling is a lot like the process I saw the artists have on Work of Art. You have to express yourself, just using clothes instead of paint and pencils. I guess it just made me appreciate fashion even more that I already do. If only I had a limitless supply of cash.

bless bless
Mallory & Kathryn

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the new look!!!! I also love The Rachel Zoe Project- its so major.


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[bless bless]