Monday, August 30, 2010

New Jersey Hits the Fan

It's what we've all been waiting for-RHONJ Reunion Show! So tease up that hair, wear the tightest dress you can find, and whip out that NJ accent [try out: ain't I nice? I want a cup of cuoffee. fuhgeddaboudit.] I'm pretty sure that Andy Cohen is reassured with his decision to be gay while having to deal with these woman [or to the rest of the world minus Danielle Staub, women]. The countdown begins-4 hours!!


  1. We're in the OK Corral. Saddle up!


  2. HAHA this reunion was ridiculous - being a Philly girl this was kind of the norm seeing these Jersey girls act. Really, it had me rolling!

    Thanks for the comments, ladies! I am in looove with camel and am finding myself snagging camel everything off the racks.


  3. Looks like next week's episode is going to be even better! Love the idea for your blog. It's nice to know I'm in good company with my Bravo sessions!

    Thanks for the sweet comment!!


We would love love love to hear your thoughts and comments!

[bless bless]