Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kate + Rachel = Mah-jor.

How perfect is this timing: It's Rachel Zoe's birthday today! Send her a happy birthday tweet!
Who else watched the RZP marathon yesterday?? Love it when Bravo does that. It's like they know I want to watch RZP all day and get zero accomplished. It also reminded me of how different the show is now without Taylor. Geez-Rachel put up with a lot from her. Glad she peaced out of there.

Onto last night's episode-Kate Hudson showed up! And she can sing! Mind blown. I adore her-she is too cute. She brought out a Rachel that we don't see often. She was so upbeat and as carefree as RZ can be I guess. Kate even pressured Rachel with the whole baby situation. Poor Rodger-he just couldn't win. Are tensions rising in the Berman Home? It really should be the Zoe home, but I felt bad for Rodger, so I gave it his name. I'm nice like that. Ain't I nice? Oh wait-wrong show. So I LOVE Rachel's hair/makeup guy, Joey Maalouf. Can he be a regular? And can I be friends with him? And more importantly, can he do my hair/makeup? So after Rachel's sidetrip to see Kate and the Burberry show [which was killer-the military look is fierce], she headed to Milan for some more fashion shows and to meet Donatella Versace, the Madonna of fashion, as Brad refers to her as. She's a fashion goddess and has paved the way for trends for years. No one can touch her. So I probably shouldn't say this, but I mean this is the nicest way possible, but she kind of looks like Voldemort. But she can design the heck out of clothes, so that makes her beautiful.
Favorite moment of the episode: Brad calling the Zoe crew a 'gaggle of gays'. Genius.

The Zoe Camp is still on the hunt for Oscar dresses. I'm interested to see how it goes down. I already ruined the Marchesa dress story for you guys, but I'll hold out on telling you what they end up getting.

Love the Zoe-isms.


  1. Aaah what a cool post!! RZ seriously is my goddess :D
    I love the blog, what a great concept :) I'm following now!

    Too bad I can't see the video (I dont live in the US), normally I watch the show online because it doesn't air here :( but RZP project is so hard to find!!


    thanks for visiting me :)

  2. * following with Bloglovin :)

  3. That is such a cool post:) Have a wonderful day:)

    ps: I am hosting a lovely GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) …I bet you will love it!!!


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